I have a had a couple people complain about the Snowflakes (blue) and don't know what the problem is. I have tried it on my own blog just today and had no problems. So those that have left me comments or emails about it please email what problem you are experiencing so that I can help you out. Thanks
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Christmas Templates
Here are the Christmas Templates from last year. As I said before I don't have time to make new ones this year with my baby being here in 3 weeks :) I love my old ones and hope you do too :) Enjoy!
Christmas Stripes
He is the reason for the season
Candy Cane
Christmas/New Year
This House Believes
Snowflakes BLUE
Snowflakes BLUE 2
Winter Favorites
Ho Ho Ho
P.S. Please be sure to email me @ matiekay@gmail.com if you need any widgets added. The templates are not updated widget wise, so if it says it is going to erase anything let me know what ones it says and I will add it to that template. Thanks!
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 2:14 PM 5 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Here are the templates I had last year for Thanksgiving so I am re-posting them. I want to make some fall ones but don't know if I will have time because I am having a baby in less than a month. I will also post all my Christmas templates from last year so you can have those since my hands will be busy by then.
Thanksgiving 2
Thanksgiving Red
Thanksgiving Red 2
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
New Templates!!
Alright I have three new templates and that's all I have time for today, so I hope you enjoy them! :)
Have a great day!
*Matie Kay*
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 10:27 AM 36 comments
Black and Pink
These Templates are actually templates I made for myself for my personal blog and I love them, hopefully some of you will too! :)
Black and Pink
Black and Pink 2
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 10:18 AM 3 comments
Matie Kay Template
This is my template I have right now. The cool thing about it is that you can change the colors for what you like, just like my other do it yourself templates! Enjoy!
Matie Kay Template
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 9:29 AM 3 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Computer problems
I have had a few people asking for new templates and I just wanted to let you know I am have problems with my computer right now and have no access to it so I won't be able to get any templates out for a little longer. Hopefully next week sometime. Have patience with me :)
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 6:07 PM 9 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Charmed for Sure!

I can't wait for mine! I am getting one with a picture of my two brothers that passed away a couple years ago with 'Always in my Heart' on the back. I have wanted to have something with them on it for awhile and knew this was the perfect way to go! You have the option to do so many different things like pictures of your kids, your honey, your last name etc... The possibilities are endless! So go check her website out! :) I know you'll love them! Here is the website: http://www.kimatcharmed.blogspot.com/
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 8:33 AM 20 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Scentsy Candles
I wanted to put another shout out to let you know that Scentsy candles has come out with their Spring Catalogue and have some super cute new warmers. Here is an example of one:They also have come out with a lot of new scents like: Juicy Peach(mmm... yummy), Fried Icecream and Tamarind Apricot and many more! So go check it out! I know you will love it as much as I do! You can purchase online click here: Scentsy or if you want to join a great business and be a consultant click here: Become a cosultant
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
I am no longer doing special requests. I have been so flooded with what I should make next or can you change this? That I am feeling burnt out and I don't want to be, because I really like to design new templates. So I am going to start charging for custom templates. I feel bad for this but I don't want to feel like I am being taken advantage of. I am not sure what to charge price wise so I am doing a poll to see what you guys think is a fair price. Also price will vary depending on the extent of the design if it is something really fast and simple then I won't charge as much and if it takes a really long time then... well you get the point.
Matie Kay
p.s. the custom blogs can have whatever you want on it, pictures, text, fav. color, certain designs etc...(if you search in scrapbook papers and find a design you love send it to me and I will try to make my own version of it to the best of my ability) I am also planning on doing custom headers but last time I tried I was having problems getting them to load so that is still a 'we'll see'
{I forgot to add that I will still be doing free ones when I get around to it and I also plan on doing seasonal/holiday templates for free}
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 12:24 PM 17 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Have you heard?

*Matie Kay*
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 12:07 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Do your OWN colors!!!! :)
*The Poll is over, the majority vote was to give you your own choice for the middle section of the template.
Alright these ones are a little different you can customize your own colors so say if you want purple with the black dots then you can have purple! You can have whatever color you want so have fun and express your favorite colors!!! Enjoy!
MK Black dots
Mk Brown dots
MK Green dots
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 4:31 PM 15 comments
Need feedback
I just had someone ask about changing the middle section on my new 'do it yourself' black polka dot Template. Here's my question should I keep it black or give you the option to change that also? If the middle section is changed it will be the same color as the background, so say if you have pink then it will be pink also. It can't be two different colors unless I keep it black. So let me know :)
I have a poll on the side so vote and I will take the majority.
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 1:07 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Mk Teacher/Apples
I had a few requests for a teacher template so here it is and if you like apples then hey... I am killing two birds with one stone :)
Mk Teacher/Apples
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 1:03 AM 3 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Alright I have had a few people who want 3C valentines ones. If you are interested then please email me your html (which is where you go to 'edit html') Copy and paste it in an email for me and I will just fix your html to have whatever template you want. It is a lot easier that way. My email is on the sidebar. Thanks
*Matie Kay*
p.s. it makes it sooo much easier if you already have a 3C template which you can get from my site. Please switch over to a 3C then email me and I will happily help you :)
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 9:33 PM 6 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
MK Young Womens
Someone thought a Young Womens one would go along well with the Cub Scouts and Brownies Template so here it is for those of you who may be a Y.W. Leader and have a site for the girls.
Young Womens
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 10:31 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
MK Brownies and Cub Scouts
I had someone ask a while ago for a cub scout template and figured there where probably other people out there who are in the cub scout program too that maybe have a website for the parents so I thought I'd make one up. Anyway, for those scouters out there I hope you enjoy.
Cub Scouts
I also had someone request a Brownie one so here it is
Hope you like them.
*Matie Kay*
p.s. if there is ever anything you really don't like about the template let me know and I can try to fix it. :)
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 11:43 PM 9 comments
MK Valentines
Here are a few Valentine Templates I am sure I'll make a few more. Hope you enjoy.
MK Valentine
MK Valentine 1
MK Valentine 2
MK Valentine 3
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 7:49 PM 13 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
New Templates!
MK Fleur
MK Fleur 2
MK Fleur 3
MK Fleur 4
MK Fleur 5
Hope you all enjoy! I'll be back the 20th so look for Valentine Templates sometime after that.
*Matie Kay*
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 10:47 AM 13 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Alright I hope to have some new templates by the end of this week and hope to have Valentines by the end of January. Sorry it has taken so long to get some out I have been super busy with the holidays, getting certified for scuba diving and trying to pack for a cruise I am going on Sun. for the week so I am hoping after the 20th I can get some Valentines templates up so be patient with me :) Thanks once again for all the support.
*Matie Kay*
p.s. if you have questions concerning your template please e-mail me at matiekay@gmail.com it is to complicated to try to find your blogs and comment back to you. Thanks :)
Posted by *Matie Kay* at 4:41 PM 4 comments